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The Land





Guardian Dogs |  Pohaku-a-Umeume |  Waipuhia |  Pohaku Kia‘i |  Other Places |  Language |  Sources & Links
Other Storied Places of Nu‘uanu


A corner of one of the many terraces in what is believed to be the ruins of Kawaluna heiau.


Many are the storied places of Nu‘uanu. While in the other pages of this chapter we have focused on legends, here we present the many small places of either historical or legendary significance. Most of these have disappeared beneath the contemporary landscape, and their locations are only guessed from the old maps and stories.

Click the sites on the map to view their stories in a pop-up window. These windows will close when you return to this page.


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The arrival of explorers and missionaries would lead to a fragmentation of the traditional land system and change forever the nature of "place" in Nu‘uanu. The next chapter examines the arrival of these visitors.



Guardian Dogs |  Pohaku-a-Umeume |  Waipuhia |  Pohaku Kia‘i |  Other Places |  Language |  Sources & Links
Arrival |  A Native Place |  The Sea |  The Land |  Footprints |  Visitors |  Memories |  Onwards
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