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The Sea

The Land





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Chapter Contents:


Reflections on the changes in number and composition of Ulithi's population, and the impact of so many young people going abroad for education. Changes brought to the society due to outside influences are discussed.

Land retains its value to the people of Ulithi, but new technologies—including electrification on Mogmog and Falalop—are having an impact on activities. Housing too is shifting away from the traditional style.

The transformations of values, technologies and behaviors is leading to a loosening up of the community cohesiveness. Discussion focuses on the transformation to a cash economy and its impact on the community.

Efforts are underway to increase the role of traditional culture in the classroom and the curriculum. A special page discusses the Council of the Outer Islands of Yap and its role as cultural guardian.


Sacred Sites
Christianity and modern values have rendered the sacred places of Ulithi less prominent, their roles weaker than in the past. We look at the three main sacred sites: Women's House, Men's House, and the Rool'oang platform.

Closing thoughts from some of our guides as we bid farewell to Ulithi and to Yap.


Basic terminology regarding sacred geography and progress.


Sources & Links
Links to related web sites
Bibliography and Sources


People |  Village |  Community |  Re-planting |  Sacred Sites |  Farewell |  Language |  Sources & Links
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