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Sources & Links



Riley, Thomas J. and Karma Ibsen-Riley (1979) "Taylor Camp, Hawai‘i: The life and death of a hippie community" Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin 50(6).

Silva, Carol (1995) Historical and Cultural Report: Ha‘ena State Park, Halele‘a, Kaua‘i, State of Hawai‘i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of State Parks, 1995. A wealth of historical information and records on Ha‘ena have been carefully compiled by historical researcher, Carol Silva, here. The various reports of visits to the caves, the tsunami articles, and the chronology are all drawn from this work.

Also consulted were papers and records of the Hui Ku‘ai ‘Aina, at the Kaua‘i Museum in Lihu‘e. It was here that the license application for the fallout shelter was found, and records regarding the partitioning of the Hui lands.


Allerton's House at Ke‘e Beach. Photo from the Hawai'i State Archives, Nancy Bannick Collection.

Ha‘ena ‘Ohana, painting by Pierre Boulet, used with permission. Please visit his website for more artwork of Kaua‘i:

Haena Pt. from E 700 ft. 7-4-24 Kauai, TH Photo from the Hawai‘i State Archives.

The Pacific Tsunami Museum provided all images used in the Tsunami page. A warm mahalo to Julie for helping us out.

Photographs used on the Horse & Cattle page, courtesy of the Bishop Museum.

Additional photos of Taylor Camp courtesy of Lloyd Godman.

All other images by RDK Herman, Pacific Worlds.


None listed at this time. Contact us if you have suggestions.



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