Charles Reed Bishop Monument at Mauna ‘Ala:

Monument to Charles Reed Bishop, husband of Princess Bernice Pauai Bishop. Bishop is actually buried in the Kamehameha tomb.


Charles Reed Bishop. Hawai‘i State Archives photograph.


“Mr. Bishop leaves Hawai‘i in 1894, less than a year after the Overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy, and he goes to Berkeley, California to live. He passes away in June of 1915. Mr. Bishop is 93 years of age when he passes away--the same age John Young was when John Young passed away. It’s very, coincidental….

“The following year, in 1916, the trustees for the Bishop Estate, erect a memorial stone to Mr. Bishop, located just on the ‘Ewa side of the Kamehameha crypt. And the reason that they did that, with Mr. Bishop’s name prominent on the front of that memorial stone, is that the monument for the Kamehamehas was completed and all of the names that fit, fitted perfectly. Mr. Bishop’s name couldn’t have been carved in without it looking very, very strange.

"So they decided to erect that memorial stone, and on the back of it is a brief history of Mr. Bishop, his birthplace in New York, his arrival in Hawai‘i in 1846, marriage to Pauahi four years later in 1850, and his benevolence and generosity to the people and institutions. Especially to the children of Hawai‘i."




Pacific Worlds > Nu‘uanu > Memories > Mauna ‘Ala