at a glance
You'll collect information on the current state of your land division,
including data from the most recent census, community and cultural organizations,
and any work or projects being done to restore Indigenous cultural or
physical landscapes.
What we are looking at here are cultural preservation and community
developments today.

- the
future of your land
- ways
to balance local culture with global culture
- what
community efforts are already underway towards preserving and
protecting local culture while adapting and growing with new
technologies and modern circumstances
Key Concepts: Population statistics; cultural preservation;
local action.
Lesson Outcomes: You will:
- analyze the population breakdown for your census tract
- compile a list of community cultural groups
- plan a course of future development for your area.

future for your area. What would you like to see happen? Where
would you like it to happen? Be creative!
1: Land Today
Website: Onwards > Land Today
You have now collected a great deal of information about your land
division, and are intimately familiar with its history and transformation,
its resources and its people.
land division systems produced self-sustained units in which all necessary
resources could be found. Looking at the zoning map (and other maps,
as necessary) of your land division today, discuss the new “land-use”
zones that have arisen. Compare these to what you know about traditional
your area “self sufficient?” Or do you have to travel outside
of it to get what you need. If you need to go elsewhere, where do you
you were a Government Planner, what would you want to do for the future
of your area? Use a blank map of your land division and create a vision
of the future you would like to see.
would it take to get from the present situation to the future you envision?
2: Sea Today
Website: Onwards > Sea Today
land division systems produced self-sustained units in which all necessary
resources could be found. Looking at the zoning map (and other maps,
as necessary) of your land division today, discuss the new “land-use”
zones that have arisen. Compare these to what you know about traditional
your area “self sufficient?” Or do you have to travel outside
of it to get what you need. If you need to go elsewhere, where do you