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The Sea

The Land





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Website Credits


The Yap - Ulithi website and materials were funded by

PREL—Pacific Resources for Education and Learning;

additional support provided by

Towson University.

Enormous thanks to
Mariano Laimoh,
the primary village contact on Ulithi, whose untiring efforts ensured the succes of this project.

This website also came into being through the kindness, generosity, assistance, and contributions of a great many people. Pacific Worlds acknowledges and thanks them for their ongoing help in making this website possible.

Production Team:

RDK Herman: research, photography, graphics, web design and construction
Mariano Laimoh, language consultant
Peter Fendrick
: Web design consultant
Jennifer Ballengee: Text & Content editing
Angie Carlisle CGIS, Towson U: Cartographic Assistance
Vivian Blaxell: Code editing & additional graphics
A Practical Solution:
Tape Transcription
The Write Source
: Tape Transcription

Advisory Board:

Callistus Legdesoh, Deputy Director of Education, Yap
James Lukan, Director, Historic Preservation Office, Yap
Mariano Laimoh, Curriculum writer/researcher and local linguist
William Yaad, Pebnaw Council, Gachpar
Steve Baxendale: PRELStar supervisor

Site Guides:

Louis Pitmag, Gachpar
William Yaad, Gachpar
Chief Antonio Taithau, Mogmog
Chief Phillip Yatch, Falalop
Mariano Laimoh
Mariana Chim
Philip Nery
Alphonso Luguliol
Cal Legdesog
Stanley Marer
Roke Wur
Juanito Yalsemal
Hosay Sohruy
Isaac Langal
Lourdes Yidwechog
Ignathius Regue
Steven Tilwemal
Serphin Guior
Manuel Hadhomar
Barney Maremang
Daniel Dig
Josede Figirliyong
Albert Haped
Elizabeth Lerang
Isaac Dohol
Flomina Mangelmar
Flomina Yetang
Pedrus Ramaliol

Photograph Contributors:

Emmett Baker
Drury C. Lee
Ethan Daniels
Paul Gremley
David Keck
Bruce Richmond
Benigno Sablan
Dive Inn Co.
Imeongs, ILC Restaurant
Don Evans

Assistance and Contributions:
Enormous thanks to

• People and Homes of Ulithi
• Yap Historic Preservation Office
• YapSEED (Department of Education)
• PREL Yap Service Center
• ILC Restaurant & Gift Shop
• Yap Land Resources Office
• Bechiyal Cultural Center

Additional thanks to:

• ESA Bayview Hotel
• Ulithi Adventure Resort
• Outer Island High School
• Don Evans
• Dominic Fanasog
• Victor Pluw


Sources and links for the Homepage section:

CIA World Factbook: Micronesia, Federated States of

Descantes, Christophe (1998) "Integrating Archaeology and Ethnohistory: The Development of Exchange between Yap and Ulithi, Western Caroline Islands." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oregon.

Karolle, Bruce G. Atlas of Micronesia. 2nd ed. Honolulu: Bess Press, 1993.

Earth from Space images derived from the Earth and Moon Viewer:

Source map for map of Ulithi Atoll:
"North Pacific Ocean, Caroline Islands, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (United States) Ulithi Atoll. From United States Navy Surveys to 1976 and a former 1931 Japanese chart." 3rd Ed., May 19, 1984. 1:60,000. NOAA Nautical chart #81209.

Source map for maps of Micronesia:
"Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. U.S. Geological Survey, 1973." (Revised, 1985). 1:4,000,000.

Source map for map of Falalop:
"Recommended sewer system, Outer Island High School, Falalop Island, Ulithi Atoll." No date, graphic scale. Courtesy of Yap Land Resources office.



About the icons:

The eight icons used to represent the chapters on this site draw from the following sources:

Arrival: the canoe image is based on a photograph of Ulithi canoes under sail during the war, in Wees (1952).

Native Place: The Men's House image is based on a photograph of the Men's house on Mogmog.

The Sea: The manta ray image is based on a commercial photograph.

The Land: The breadfruit pounder is derived from an actual object, in the possession of the Project Director. The pounder was purchased through the Ethinic Art Institute of Micronesia.

Footprints: based on actual footprint in the sand, Falalop.

Visitors: based on a photograph of a Spanish-era pottery vessel, from the Imeongs collection in Colonia, Yap.

Memories: the propeller is derived from a photograph of the Japanese Zero remains on Yap.

Onwards: this figure is a Gos Idol, based on an image from the Ethinic Arts Institute of Micronesia. According to them,

"This two-faced Janus figure symbolizes the god Yalulawaiy which literally translated means 'Spirit of the Voyage'. The name 'Gos' derives from the sting ray spines which are traditionally attached to the bottom of the fiugre....  The sting ray spines are fixed with coral cement to the wooden torso are said to represent and join respectively, the three worlds of Carolinian mythology: sea, land, and sky. Navigators used the effigy as a weather charm to influence benevolent spirits to calm the winds and waves that threatened to capsize their canoes."

We have chosen this image of navigation to suggest movement onwards, into the future.

Map Library: the icons represent Yapese "stone money."

Site Map: We have used an image based on the faluw bird icon. Carved icons of this bird are placed in young men’s houses (faluw) in order to pacify the demons that reside there.



Ulithi Home |  Our Guides |  Location |  Orientation |  Getting Here  |  Credits |  Site Map
Arrival |  A Native Place |  The Sea |  The Land |  Footprints |  Visitors |  Memories |  Onwards
Ulithi Home |  Map Library |  Site Map |  Pacific Worlds Home