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The Sea

The Land





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Yap - Ulithi:
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Tribute Trips

Arrival: Neighbors

Holufang and the Puluwat Canoe

Arrival: Neighbors

Making Lavalavas

Native Place: Women's House

Building a Traditional House

Native Place: Men's House

Turmeric paint on the Rool'oang

Native Place: Rool'oang

Gachpar Platform

Native Place: Gachpar Sites

Yap Districts (Map)

Native Place: Gachpar Sites

View from Fedraey

The Sea: Seaside

Beach Rocks

The Sea: Beaches

Canoe Carving

The Sea: Beaches

Canoe Equipment

The Sea: Beaches

Family Names

The Land: Areas

Traditional Medicine

The Land: Forest

Making Tuba

The Land: Planting

The Origin of Fais

Footprints: L'oosiyep

Foreign Ships

Visitors: Explorers

Traditional Religion

Visitors: Missionaries

O'Keefe and Yap

Visitors: Colony

War Casualties #1

Memories: World War II

War Casualties #2

Memories: World War II

War Casualties #3

Memories: World War II

War comes to Potoangroas

Memories: World War II

Ship Day

Memories: Education

War Claims Money

Memories: Education

Clothing on Ulithi

Onwards: People

Council of the Outer Islands of Yap

Onwards: Replanting



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Arrival |  A Native Place |  The Sea |  The Land |  Footprints |  Visitors  |  Memories |  Onwards
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